Pic Credit: Google.com
Every night i encounter a strange entity the moment i fall into the hypothetical land.
Surprisingly, that entity pays its visit in my dream just to provide me the things which this harsh reality doesn’t look up to.
The night pleases me, because the stars are visible and staring at the moon is easy unlike the daylight which haunts me.
The time spent with the faceless entity in my dream is too minimal in reality.
But, the time I spend with her is very comforting and is enough to seize the stress i carry all day.
The first thing she does when we meet is to give me a tight hug as if we reunited after ages. I have never felt a hug more divine than her’s.
And when i’m awake i can hear her voice in my mind reminding me that no matter what, i have a shoulder to cry on to, i have an entity who will talk me out of my miseries.
We run around the green hills filled with yellow daffodils, the sun was bright as ever, the winds were kind and gentle. The cool breeze blowing her hair.
Later on the hill top i lie on her lap, while her hair tickles my face, she gives me a kiss on my forehead and reminds me about the struggle left to turn that entity into reality.
I feel safe lying on her lap and to talk out the miseries i have been through the day.
I feel in soo much comfort with her that I relate myself to a wounded soldier with arrows in his back stabbed deeply, seeking peace with his soulmate after a war.
After all, Its just a dream which runs in loop. For how long? Not sure.
It’s just a Faceless young girl,
it’s just the sweetest voice I’ve ever heard.
It’s just a divine entity which symbolizes a person from the future or the past.
I don’t know…
I Year BA Student