The parasite inside me…

Image Credit: Pinterest

What is it called??

When I crave for a soul to acknowledge mine…

Though I was amongst a crowd,

my heart was hollow…

Have u ever felt that!?

Because there was a parasite inside me eating off my softer side…

probably it wanted to fit me into this mechanical world, by making me independent


Time passed and I was used to it…

Freezing cold heart which lacked the emotions…

But one day, a bunch of people came around me…

They made me realize what it was,

to be valued…


How it felt when u could rely on someone,

How it felt when someone consoles ur weeping soul…

My soul was introduced to warmth,

The glimpses of happiness had started filling the hollowness in my heart…

But the bunch faded away!

What!? When!? Why!?

My head was spinning with such questions…


The lonely me had become – the alone, independent version of me, which is collapsed

The parasite which was safeguarding me, was on edge of death…

Should I wake it?


Akshatha R Kamath

1st BSc

Kateel Ashok Pai Memorial College, Shivamogga